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No animals to be sacrificed in open areas on Bakrid: Uttarakhand HC No animals to be sacrificed in open areas on Bakrid: Uttarakhand HC The court ordered that blood from animal sacrifice must not go into the drains and neither should the blood and offal be dumped in open spaces on the occasion of Bakrid. Uttarakhand High Court further directed that the Hindus too must not sacrifice any animal in open spaces. Taking suo motu cognizance of newspaper reports on Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s orders prohibiting animal sacrifice in open areas on Eid-ul-Adha (or Bakrid) to avoid hurting the religious sentiments of the non-Muslim population, the Uttarakhand High Court on Tuesday directed district magistrates across the state to ensure that no animal was sacrificed in open spaces on the occasion. “It is directed that on the day of Eid-ul-Zuha, i.e. August 22/23, 2018, no animals including goat/sheep/buffalo shall be sacrificed in an open space, on any public street or any thoroughfare in front of any place of worship,” the Division Bench of acting Chief Justice Rajiv Sharma and Justice Manoj Kumar Tiwari said. The bench further directed that “no cow or cow’s progeny or any camel shall be slaughtered on the day of Eid-ul-Zuha”. Invoking the doctrine of ‘parens patriae’ to become the legal guardian of cows and other stray cattle, the High Court had earlier banned slaughter and export “for purpose of slaughter” of “any cow, bull, bullock, heifer or calf”, and selling of beef and beef products across the state. On Tuesday, the court also said the blood from animal sacrifice must not go into drains and that the blood and offal must not be dumped in open spaces across the state. The bench also directed local bodies across the state to “remove the remains of sacrificed animals, if any, with due promptitude”.

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Some Basic Guidelines On Deciding Upon Fundamental Elements In

Brexit news: UK must not become 'vassal state' of Brussels, warns MEP | Politics | News |

The EU lawmaker lambasted Theresa May’s Brexit White Paper, and raised concerns over the EU’s demands for further compromises on key issues relating to trade and the customs bill. Under the Prime Minister’s current Brexit plan Ms Parker fears the UK will be a ‘vassal state’, meaning the EU will still dominate the Britain even after it leaves the bloc. Speaking exclusively to , UKIP MEP Margot Parker said: “We must not become a ‘vassal state’ of the EU. “The British people voted to leave and now the EU waves a big stick at us, it appears we are leaving in name only.” Ms Parker also argued that the amendments added to the customs bill by the European Research Group in a bid to quell Brexiteer fears, still failed to deliver on the will of the British electorate. The British people voted to leave and now the EU waves a big stick at us, it appears we are leaving in name only Commenting on the amendments, she said: “They are well wide of the mark. “We need to leave under the terms we voted on; to take back control of our borders, waters, finances and laws. “The people voted to leave; this is non-negotiable.” Mr Parker’s concerns come as the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier flatly rejected Mrs May’s comprise Brexit proposal, which was already regarded as ‘soft’ by political commentators. Michel Barnier flatly rejected Theresa May’s Brexit White Paper in Brussels on Thursday (Image: GETTY) Michel Barnier said the EU would not delegate its customs policy and rule to a non-member state (Image: GETTY) Speaking alongside Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab in Brussels on Thursday, Mr Barnier said: “The EU cannot and the EU will not delegate the application of its customs policy and rule, VAT and excises duty collection to a non-member who would not be subject to the EU’s governance structures.” He noted the EU had “no object in principle” to a backstop model being applied to the whole of the UK, but raised doubts over whether it could be implemented while protecting the integrity of the customs union. He said: “We have doubts that it can be done without putting at risk the integrity of our customs union or commercial policy our regulatory policy.” Ms Parker also rejected Mrs May’s proposed ‘facilitated customs arrangement’, adding that “collecting taxes is a no-no”.

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