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The armed forces of Serbia, which emerged as an independent state after the bloody collapse of former Yugoslavia in the 1990s, were fully professionalized in 2011, but remain poorly paid and equipped. Serbia, which is a candidate for European Union membership, has retained voluntary service and reserve units. Vucic said Belgrade was considering reintroducing compulsory military service of between three and six months after 2020. “We are still thinking about that … It depends on the finances,” he told reporters at the air force base of Batajnica, just outside Belgrade. Young people who served would have an advantage when seeking jobs in the public sector, Vucic added, without elaborating. Serbian politicians have repeatedly floated the idea of reintroducing conscription. But many military experts say it would be too costly and that such a short period of service would contribute little to the country’s defense capabilities. Under its 2018 budget, Serbia allocated $703 million, or 1.39 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) for its 40,000-strong military, up from $693.8 million in 2017. In recent years Serbia has sought to improve its defense capabilities through a donation of six MIG-29 fighters by Russia, with which it has strong historic and cultural ties, and through the purchase of nine helicopters manufactured by Airbus.


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Region seeking federal funds for Harvey relief

“If people were displaced from their houses and then had to find temporary shelter or rent somewhere else, they still had to pay their mortgage on their house, so we’re helping them with housing and utility bills that still exist whether they’re in their house or not,” Babin said. “We’re not going to get their homes to pre-Harvey state, but it is safe and secure.” Darren Hess, director for the Montgomery County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management said in April the process to apply for funding from FEMA for Harvey is ongoing. The county has applied for grants for home buyouts and infrastructure projects. Once the county is approved for funding, it can take up to 12-24 months before the funds are acquired and letters are sent to homeowners, Hess said. The city of Conroe has picked itself back up from damages sustained to city facilities, but it still has not seen any reimbursement relief from the funds it already spent on cleanup and precautions. “[What] we’re dealing with now [is]at what point we’ll see FEMA [and]insurance come through,” Conroe City Administrator Paul Virgadamo said. “We believe we’ll be reimbursed through FEMA…we’ve spent close to $10 million.” Conroe’s cleanup of private homes and trash was dealt with within days from a city standpoint, but facilities such as the police shooting range, the water and the sewer plant were also flooded and all the equipment had to be replaced, Virgadamo said. “We’re trying to mitigate so if it happens again we don’t lose as much, and are trying to prevent it from happening again by raising bonds [for prevention studies],” Virgadamo said. “We raised all our generators…so when it floods again, the generators don’t flood.” Virgadamo said he believes FEMA will reimburse the city soon, but could not provide numbers or a timeline. In July, grant money totaling $250 million was set aside for Texas’ new Affordable Rental Housing Program targeting affordable housing rehabilitation, reconstruction and new construction through the Texas General Land Office.

For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://communityimpact.com/houston/conroe-montgomery/news/2018/08/21/region-seeking-federal-funds-for-harvey-relief/

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