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(ABC) The last known former Nazi camp guard living in the United States was deported to Germany, an action that the White House trumpeted Tuesday in an apparent effort to show its harsh immigration enforcement policies are not just aimed at migrants on the border. The Justice Department said that Jakiw Palij, 95, was an armed guard at a Nazi death camp in Poland during World War II, and that he helped oversee the murder of thousands of prisoners during the Holocaust, including 6,000 Jews on a single day in 1943. Palij emigrated to New York in 1949 and became a U.S. citizen in 1957 after lying about his role in Nazi atrocities, according to the Justice Department. In 2001, however, he admitted lying about his past and was stripped of his citizenship and ordered deported in 2004. Removal efforts stalled because he was effectively stateless and Germany, Poland and Ukraine refused to take him in. On Monday, TV cameras were on hand in Queens, N.Y., as Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents wheeled Palij, who was bearded and wearing a cap, out of his brick home on a gurney. He said nothing to reporters and later was put on a plane to Dusseldorf. Palij, who was born in what is now Ukraine, is the 68th former Nazi to be stripped of U.S.

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What happened when Supt. Austin Beutner met with the teachers union leader? It depends on who you ask

What happened when Supt. Austin Beutner met with the teachers union leader? It depends on who you ask The superintendent, he said, has resisted the union’s efforts to begin working immediately with an outside mediator. These sessions could have begun in early August and the district has delayed a possible first meeting until late September, the union leader said. “One of the reasons this is so distressing to us is that the main point we were trying to make to him in that meeting is that the district needed to follow the law in scheduling a mediation session,” Caputo-Pearl said. “His letter makes clear, by making a mediation a mere footnote, that they’re not going to follow the law, that he is trying to dodge the mediation question and to interfere with our strike vote.” “His being deceitful like this — he just proved why we need mediation,” Caputo-Pearl said. “UTLA members are sick and tired of the district’s disrespect.” As for whether the two sides were coming together, Caputo-Pearl said, “There is not the outline of a deal. Nothing could be further from the truth.” The union also made these points, among others, in a follow-up letter sent to Beutner on Thursday. The district’s official offer to the union before Beutner’s letter has been for raises of less than 6%, with district negotiators saying they wanted more compromise from the union before going further. But it is no surprise, given the deals with other unions, that the school system would go to 6%. The teachers union wants a 6.5% raise retroactive to July 1, 2016, and possible additional raises over the following three years. UTLA also is calling for reduced class sizes, “ending overtesting” of students and “placing reasonable accountability measures” on independently operated charter schools, which mostly aren’t unionized. Charters compete with the district for students and the funding that goes with them to the schools where they enroll.

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